Hello blog! It has been nearly one week I did not update my blog! It was a tiring week filled with tests and PBLs!
Well, for this week I went to a lot of different Traditional and Chinese Medicine shop for my reflection on CAM in Wuhan PBL. While we were visiting most of the TCM shops, we tried to ask questions for more information to do our PBL , however, sometimes the pharmacist do not want to answer our questions and asked us to go other shops for more information. The pharmacists and shopkeepers were very unfriendly to us as we did not purchase anything but keep on asking questions.
There was an incident happened when the year 2 senior, Calvin went for acupuncture for his muscle ache. As we were doing our reflection PBL, we need to take photos on what we know or what we did related to CAM in Wuhan. However, the nurses did not let him to take photo for the process of treatment. The local students who brought us there had a quarrel with the nurses there and we were chased out by the nurses and physicians. I feel very bad as we initiated the quarrel and the local students being scolded just because we requested to take some photos. The nurses even scolded them for helping us which are foreigners to them. According to one of the nurse, taking photo is prohibited in their clinic and this is their privacy.
When the incident happened, I actually felt angry as we being chased out and treated badly by the nurses and physicians. However, after went back to dormitory, I reflect this incident and found that we were actually wrong at the very first place as we took a photo of the physician without seeking his permission when he was explaining to Chaz about his cough condition. No photo taking is one of their rule and principle of their clinic and we were putting them in a difficult situation when we keep requesting to take photos for our PBL.
After this incident, I learnt to ask for permission before I do something so that I will not offense others or break others rules or principles. Also, I learnt to be more patient when talking to others. The local student, Christina who helped us to persuade the physician for letting us to take photo talked to the nurses and physicians very patiently but her effort was in vain. I know how to communicate with others using suitable tone so that people do not get offended.
The next day , me camellia, gracia, dharshini, Clarence, larvanya and azleena went around the school to look for other acupuncture shop but we did not get to find one after walking for around 1 hour. So, we decided to go for foot massage so we have something to do for our PBL.
It was my very first time to do foot massage.
I felt so relax after the massage and we plan to go for the massage again before going back to singapore! :D
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